I design and deliver various immersive, hands-on learning experiences to help you and your team develop your knowledge and skills. Whether in-person or online, these are carefully crafted to be engaging and stimulating.

These workshops can be delivered inside organisations, tailored to specific needs, and are also periodically offered as open sessions.

Upcoming Workshops

What is Kata?

An introduction to the concept of Kata, including a brief summary of the origins of the practice; an explanation of Scientific Thinking; and an overview of the Improvement Kata, one of the fundamental routines central to the practice. This is an ideal starting point for anyone new to Kata, and is also an excellent refresher for anyone with prior experience.

This session includes time for discussion and the opportunity for questions.

Length: 60 minutes
Location: Zoom
Price: You choose what you pay, all proceeds go to the KGG

The Improvement Kata Experience

This is an immersive and fun workshop, where teams work together to build a virtual puzzle, whilst experiencing the Improvement Kata and using an Experimenting Record. Teams learn to identify obstacles and practice running experiments to overcome them.

This session includes time for discussion and the opportunity for questions.

Length: 3 hours (including a break)
Location: Zoom
Price: $75 USD per person

Requires a working webcam and microphone; access via a desktop/laptop with an external mouse; and an internet signal of at least 12 Mbps.

Kata Card Sort Workshop

This is a practical, immersive, and fun workshop, where participants work individually to complete a process using a deck of playing cards. Participants receive a printable workbook and learn how to create a desired operating pattern, and how to track their metrics. They practice running multiple experiments in order to overcome obstacles.

This session includes time for discussion and the opportunity for questions.

Length: 3 hours (including a break)
Location: Zoom
Price: $75 USD per person

Participants need to be able to colour print the provided workbook. Everyone will also need a standard 52-card pack of playing cards, and access to a webcam and microphone.

Improvement Kata Boot Camp

SPARK Improvement  - Improvement Boot Camp Workshop

Are you ready for Boot Camp?

This is an intense workshop, spread across 11 consecutive working days, where small cohorts of participants dive deep and practice each of the steps of the Improvement Kata, working towards a personal challenge.

This is TOUGH, this is FUN, you will LEARN.

Length: Eleven daily 45min sessions
Location: Zoom
Price: on request

Note: participants will also need to allocate around one hour per day for their experiments and practice. Additional support will be provided outside of the Zoom calls.

Participants will be sent a printed workbook.

For further information, click the link immediately below.

Each of these workshops can also be tailored to your individual needs.

Want to train a whole team? Let me know.

Each workshop can also be delivered in person.

Interested in a workshop?

Fill out some info and I’ll be in touch shortly!


You want to develop Scientific Thinking across a team, department, or organisation

You want to establish a team of Kata Coaches in your organisation and support them to develop and hone their skills

You want to kick-start a transformation 


“Gemma, you are so warm and knowledgeable - you are very good at keeping my interest, which is a challenge as far as Zoom/virtual learning goes for me. I like your attention to folks' reactions and your anticipation of questions and concerns from the group!”

“It was a fantastic session, the best and most interesting intro I've ever heard , I really enjoyed it! This has reinvigorated my genuine joy for Kata.”

“I feel that I have additional insights and skills to help improve my job and help with working with others in problem solving and making improvements. And of course it’s been great meeting Gemma and being exposed to something I never knew existed! Gemma is a great instructor.”

“Both workshops presented Kata as a great way to learn iterative improvements, and they gave a solid start to internalizing the fundamentals of this improvement process.”

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge. This has been a very enjoyable series of workshops.”

“I love the story and the artistry. There was such a wholeness that has come from learning, practise and what feels like a genuine love for kata and respect for learning and coaching”

“Just really enjoyed listening to you. You seem to be very knowledgeable in this area. I never even heard about Kata  or scientific thinking until this. And I’ve been around for a while! I'd  like to learn and understand more and how I can apply it to my work and anything else! Thank you!!”

“The way the content was presented made it more palatable, great experience for beginners with a new way of thinking for anyone at any point in the journey”